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Доклад на тему: "The intercultural communication"

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Ознакомительный фрагмент работы:

The intercultural communication The title of the report I’m going to talk you about is intercultural communication. Communication is a two-way street called intercommunication. If neither side knows how to take responsibility for communicating clearly and concisely, then miscommunication is inevitable. By becoming more aware of what is required within intercultural business contexts, you can not only speak and listen better, but can also help others speak and listen better. The relevance of the study is based on the scientific and technological progress and peoples’ efforts to learn abilities as well as methods of communication, the key component of which is mutual understanding, patience and respect. My narration will be divided into four parts. The first part is about definition of the concept. The second one is about experience gaining in cross-cultural communication. In the third part I will tell you about the advantages of traveling abroad and personal qualities in cross-cultural communication. At last in the fourth part I’m going to make a conclusion of what have been talked about. Let’s now move to the main part of the report. In order to understand the term intercultural communication, we need to understand what communication is in general. Communication can be considered like a necessary and universal condition of human life and one of the fundamental foundations of the society existence. There are four main forms of intercultural communication: direct, indirect, mediated and immediate. In direct communication, the information is addressed by the sender directly to the recipient and can be carried out both orally and in writing. In indirect communication, which is mostly one-sided, information sources are works of literature and art. Mediated and immediate forms of communication differ in the presence or absence of an intermediary acting as an intermediary between partners. Along with the listed forms, several types of intercultural communication are singled out:Interethnic communication is communication between people representing different peoples (ethnic groups). Most often, the society consists of different ethnic groups that create and share their subcultures. Ethnic groups transmit their cultural heritage from generation to generation and therefore retain their identity among the dominant culture. Joint existence within the framework of one society leads to mutual communication of these ethnic groups and the exchange of cultural achievements.Countercultural communication occurs between representatives of the mother culture and the subculture and is expressed in the disagreement of the latter with the values ​​and ideals of the mother. A characteristic feature of this level of communication is the refusal of subcultural groups from the values ​​of the dominant culture and the promotion of their own norms and rules that oppose them to the values ​​of the majority. Communication among social classes and groups is based on the differences between social groups and classes of a particular society. There is not a single socially homogeneous society in the world. All differences between people arise as a result of their origin, education, profession, social status, etc. In all countries of the world, the distance between the elite and the majority of the population, between rich and poor, is quite large. It is expressed in opposing views, customs, traditions, etc. Despite the fact that all these people belong to the same culture, these differences divide them into subcultures and reflect on the communication between them. Communication between representatives of different demographic groups - religious (for example, between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland), sex-age (between men and women, representatives of different generations). Communication between people in this case is determined by their belonging to a particular group and, therefore, the characteristics of its culture. Communication between urban and rural residents is based on the differences between city and country in style and pace of life, the general level of education, other types of interpersonal relationships, different philosophy of life, which directly affect the communication process. Regional communication occurs between residents of different areas (localities), whose behavior in the same situation can vary significantly. Intercultural communication is competent when it accomplishes the objectives in a manner that is appropriate to the context and relationship. Intercultural communication thus needs to bridge the dichotomy between appropriateness and effectiveness. Proper means of intercultural communication leads to a 15% decrease in miscommunication. Speaking about the nonverbal communication has been shown to account for between 65% and 93% of interpreted communication. Minor variations in body language, speech rhythms, and punctuality often cause mistrust and misperception of the situation among cross-cultural parties. This is where nonverbal communication can cause problems with intercultural communication. Misunderstandings with nonverbal communication can lead to miscommunication and insults with cultural differences. For example, a handshake in one culture may be recognized as appropriate, whereas another culture may recognize it as rude or inappropriate. Many people think that in order to get a good cross-cultural experience, you need to go abroad. According to the latest questions described in TASS, it was revealed that more than half of Russians believe that the experience of international communication can only be obtained abroad. I believe that this is actually true, because every person gets used to his environment of existence and after leaving it gets used to another environment. Only in this way you can make a person think like a foreigner, and therefore become part of another world. But experience, as you know, is gained over the years and if a person lives in another country, he gains habits, knowledge about the population. In addition to experience, work and travel offer the following benefits: 1. The ability to improve a foreign language, especially if you know only the basic part of it. Immersed in the language environment, the learning process will be intense and will give brilliant results. 2. Decent pay. Even taking into account deductions for food and housing costs, it turns out to be an excellent amount to go to work abroad and come in under budget. 3. Many women, working abroad, find their destiny among foreigners and get married. 4. Some employees, having shown themselves in a better professional way, receive even more promising job offers. 5. Many people decide to open their own business abroad, accumulating start-up capital, receiving a salary. Developing the right habits is one of the most effective ways to increase your intercultural communication skills. One of the main problems in the communication is that it requires us to pay conscious attention to both our own behavior and the behavior of our communication partner since both sides have internalized completely different cultural scripts. There is a certain set of qualities that determine the level of intercultural communication. Behavioral and personal factors include: 1. Ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, maintain a conversation; 2. To express your own opinion and feel for each interlocutor; 3. To be tolerant of other people's opinions; 4. Ability to give and interpret signals of change of communicative roles and signals of communication completion; 5. Using of verbal and nonverbal means that they are acceptable for this culture; 6. To show respect and positive regard for the other person; 7. Empathy, behaving in ways that shows one understands the point of view of others. Not having the same cultural scripts makes it necessary for us to consciously reflect upon the behavior that we are using in order to reduce the chance of creating misunderstandings to a minimum. To summarize my report I’d like to ask a question we have already answered “what intercultural communication is” and “why we should improve our intercultural skills”. Cross-cultural communication is an interaction between people who belong to different cultures. This communication is very important and experience can only be gained by living in another country. Our world is only getting smaller, and the ability to competently communicate with other cultures is vital for success in all areas of life. We should adapt our behavior, check our understanding, reflect on our experiences and follow all those tips that I have already counted to foster excellent intercultural communication. References1.11. Sherwood Fleming. 2017. [Электронный ресурс] URL:https://sherwoodfleming.com/ .2017. (Дата обращения: 25.01.2021).2. University of the People. 2020. [Электронный ресурс] URL:https://www.uopeople.edu/ (Дата обращения: 25.01.2021).3. Ixmati Translating Culture. 2013. [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://ixmaticommunications.com/blog/ (Дата обращения: 25.01.2021).4. [Электронный ресурс] URL: http://uir.unisa.ac.za/bitstream/2017. (Дата обращения: 22.01.2021).5. [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://www.quora.com/ 2019. (Дата обращения: 22.01.2021).6. [Электронный ресурс] URL: https://network.bepress.com/ 2018. (Дата обращения: 22.01.2021).

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